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Here are the 3 reasons why foreigners buy real estate in Spain

09 Jan
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Those are the 3 main reasons why foreigners love to buy properties in Spain

Usually, we write a long article, for once we will write a short one 🙂 but will link to some other articles to give more details on the subject.


Foreigners love the sunny beaches

Spain has the third longest coastline in south Europe with more than 4,964 kilometres. Of course, as Greece has a nearly infinite number of small islands, Greece has nearly an infinite coastline with 13,700 km. Italy is second on the list in front of Spain with 7,600 km of coastline!

So, Spain, Greece and Italy are the southern European countries with the longest coastlines in Europe.


What about the sunshine in Europe?

In the next map, you will find the number of hours of sun per year for each situation in Europe, as you will see, Spain has the most sun ☀ of all the European countries. On average any place in Spain gets 2500 hours of sun per year, while many countries in North of Europe don’t even get 50% of that. This means Spain has sunny beaches for nearly 320 days per year.

For this measure, Spain is the uncontested leader.

Sunshine map of Europe, in Hours per year


In order to check the weather statistics for any major Spanish city, for each month of the year, we created beautiful easy-to-use infographics for the top 20 Spanish cities. Click on the image, to check all the statistics of the top 20 cities in Spain.

Mallorca, Weather statistic Infographic

To discover the wonderful Spanish Costas, have a look at our Costas maps with the major cities and activities to know in the region as: Unesco sites, top beaches, kids parks, shopping malls & outlets, Traditional & Flea markets, golf courses, natural parks university and hospitals.



Foreigners love the high quality of life in Spain

Spain has the top spot on the worldwide list of the most healthy countries in the world. As we wrote here: Spain is the world’s healthiest country


The Cost of living in Spain is very low

Foreigners don’t save on their tapas and always enjoy their time in Spain as the Cost of living in Spain vs Europe is much lower as for many countries in the world for its high standards of living. Read more on that here: Which are the least expensive Spanish cities? Last but not least, Spain did very well during the last months of this energy crisis as electricity prices in Spain are up to 75% cheaper than in many European countries!

The Cost of living in Spain vs UK is much lower. We wrote a detailed article on that and compared all the major Cities in the United Kingdom vs the significant cities in Spain.

Of course, in the cost of living, you have the real estate cost and at 1,740€/m², end of September 2022, the cost of real estate in Spain is low, have a look at our quarterly report on Spanish property prices for more on that if you want to buy a property. Have a look at our detailed outlook for the Spanish real estate market in 2023.

For renting, it is low as well.


Are you looking to buy a property in Spain?


Here is how you should start:

Our ultimate 2022 guide to buying your property in Spain even if you are looking for a property anywhere in the world, it will be very useful to assist you.


If you don’t want to hassle and don’t have the time for it, we have our network of local property hunters ready to assist you. Discover why you will save money and time with a local Spanish property hunter and have a look at all our property searches from the local property hunters part of our network.


Looking for a newbuild property? Check it here first.





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