1. History of Real estate transactions in Spain, Spaniards and Foreigners
Yearly data. Source: Ministerio de Fomento
2. Real Estate estimated returns in Spain
Source: Banco de España
3. Unsold New Homes
Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística
4. Split of unsold New Homes per Spanish regions
Source: Ministerio de Fomento
5. Cost of life in Spain
Source: Eurostat 2017
6. Growth rate in Europe 2019 & 2020, Winter 2019 forecast of the European Commission
Source: European Commission
7. Life expectancy by country & sex: Spain is the 2nd country in the world
Source: OECD 2014
8. Tourists arrivals in Spain, last 12 months
Source: Ministerio de Turismo up to 2015 & Instituto Nacional de Estadística, 2015 and after
9. Biggest tourist destinations in Europe
Source: Eurostat 2015
10. Spain GDP Growth and its components
Source: European Commission, Autumn 2016
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