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Last Updated on 01/09/2023 by STEPHANE
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What are the advantages of buying a new build property in Spain?
Discover our 2 minutes video on this:
- Impressive standards specifications: designed for modern living:
- Advanced technologies: Hi-Tech, energy efficient and eco-friendly
- Personalize your property to your taste
- New build prices in Spain are very competitive vs resale + renovation costs
- Less hassle and More cost effective than building yourself
- More secure: Technology and alarm systems pre-wired
- Safer: Fire resistant materials, smoke alarms and special glasses
- Less uncertainties:
- 3-year warranty on the building works
- 10-year warranty on design faults by the architect
- 10-year warranty on structural defects by the builder
Discover the best new build projects in Spain
Buying a new build property in Spain is easy:
Your purchase contract will mention
- The delivery date
- The property price: the building cost
- The payment’s dates according to state of progress
- Detailed plans for the property
- The standard set of specifications
Buying a property in Spain is easy, check the 9 steps to buy a property in Spain here.
Last but not least, here are our FREE pdf property buyers’ guides written for all the foreign nationalities looking to buy in Spain:
Click on your country flag, you will find your pdf report at the end of each article. Get most of our tips there.
Looking for an expert in Spain? Ask us directly!