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46.722 Spanish properties sold in November, +10.1% while Prices are down 0.9%

11 Jan
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Automatic translation from Google translate:

+10.1% Spanish properties sold in November vs one year ago


The Statistic office of the Spanish notaries has just released the numbers for the month of November, here is our quick snapshot of the main information:

  • +10.1% transactions growth to 46.722
  • €1.288 per square meter on average, with a decrease of 0.9%
    • -1.3% for houses
    • -0.1% for apartments
  • €1.434 per square meter for existing apartments, with a decrease of 0.1%
  • €1.799 per square meter for newbuild apartments, with a decrease of 1%
  • +8.2% more mortgages issued to 20.033
  • Average mortgage size of €133.980 for housing


More information in Spanish here

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