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Property lawyer Spain

20 Feb

Plusvalia tax: Big refunds could be on the way for home sellers over “Wrong tax charge” in Spain

A judge's gavel and a briefcase illustrating tax residence in Spain.

Click on any flag to get an automatic translation from Google translate. Some news could have an original translation here: News Nouvelles Nieuws Noticias Nachrichten   Big refunds could be on the way for home sellers over “Wrong tax charge” in Spain   Many people have paid a ‘plusvalía’ levy

08 Nov

What is the legal due diligence for your Spanish property?

A stack of books about law cases, including resources for buying a property in Spain and the necessary documents needed for acquisition.

Click on any flag to get an automatic translation from Google translate. Some news could have an original translation here: News Nouvelles Nieuws Noticias Nachrichten   What is the legal due diligence for your Spanish property? Property law Spain   Caroline, our paralegal adviser in the region of Andalusia explains

24 Sep

How to protect yourself against Hidden defects on a Spanish Property? Property survey in Spain

A briefcase on a white background represents the costs of mortgages.

Click on any flag to get an automatic translation from Google translate. Some news could have an original translation here: News Nouvelles Nieuws Noticias Nachrichten How to protect yourself against Hidden defects on a Spanish Property? Why a property survey could be useful? The legal analysis from our local partner

29 Jun

An update on the short term rental regulation in Andalusia

A judge's gavel and a briefcase illustrating tax residence in Spain.

Click on any flag to get an automatic translation from Google translate. Some news could have an original translation here: News Nouvelles Nieuws Noticias Nachrichten   What is the short term rental regulation in Andalusia?   Our local partner, Caroline, is working at the biggest law office in Andalusia and
