We unlock all the gates to your Spanish dream property.

Tagged as: Spanish Inflation

05 Dec

How much does it cost to live in Spain?

Cost of living for worldwide cities

Click on any flag to get an automatic translation from Google translate. Some news could have an original translation here: News Nouvelles Nieuws Noticias Nachrichten   Is it expensive to live in Spain?   Which are the least expensive Spanish cities? How do they compare with the city you are

30 May

What is the real cost of owning your Spanish property in 2023?

Cost of owning a Spanish property

Translate this page:   What is the real cost of owning your Spanish property as a non-resident?   Congratulation for your purchase, now let’s check the annual costs of owning your property. You’ll have those divided into five different groups: Taxes, Insurance, Utilities (Electricity, Water, Gaz, Television, Internet, Telephone), the
