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Our property finder in the Costa de la Luz last transaction

27 Feb
A property finder locates a boat in the water near a city on the Costa de la Luz.
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Last Transaction in Costa de la Luz


Our client bought a modern 3 bedroom bungalow in Ayamonte, Huelva.

The property had a private pool, approximately 120 sqm construction with a beautiful view of the golf course and the purchase price was €230.000.

This transaction did not need any financing and this property was purchased to become a second home.

Distance to the airport 40 minutes and 10 minutes to the beach.



Why, Costa de la Luz, Andalusia, Spain is right for property investors?

  • Considerably lower property prices than in other parts of the country.
  • Costa de la Luz is one of the most expensive Costas for accommodation due to limited availability.
  • Oversupply isn’t and never will be an issue. The emphasis here is on quality, low density development and this brings with it good rental potential.
  • Four international airports ( Seville, Gibraltar, Jerez in Spain and Faro in Portugal ).
  • Strict planning rules keep the supply of new property to a minimum.
  • Low crime levels.
  • Choices embrace everything from traditional to modern, urban to rural, beach front to golf course




George is a partner of HTBIS and is a local property hunter in the Costa de la Luz region

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